International Clients FAQs
Q: How is it possible for a non-US-resident, non-US-citizen to form a Delaware, USA company?
A: Delaware law permits non-US-resident, non-US-citizens to form Delaware Limited Liability Companies (LLC's) and C-Corporations if they have a Delaware Registered Agent.
DBI Will be your Delaware Registered Agent and the first 12 months of service are free with the purchase of one of our International Corporation or International LLC Registration Packages. You do not need to show us your passport and you do not have to come to the USA.
Q: What are the recurring costs of maintaining an LLC or Corporation in Delaware?
A: Annual Delaware Registered Agent Service Renewal is $120 (your first 12 months are free with the purchase of a New Company Registration package) for LLCs and Corporations.
All LLC's must pay an annual LLC Tax of $300 to remain in Good Standing. Delaware LLCs do not file Annual Reports. All Corporations authorizing less than 5,000 shares will pay the minimum annual Franchise Tax of $175, plus an Annual Report filing fee of $50.
Q: What documentation is required to start a Delaware LLC or corporation for a non-US-resident?
Currently, there are not any documentation requirements. We can easily form a Delaware LLC or corporation for you with just a company name. A Delaware LLC does not even need an initial member on the formation certificate.
Q: Can you provide me with a Delaware address, telephone number and fax number that I can put on my website?
A: Yes. We can provide you with a Delaware address (a suite number at the Capitol Office Center in Wilmington Delaware USA) which you can put on your website, order forms and business cards, and which you can use in your routine business correspondence. This service is not the same as Registered Agent Service.
Included in all incorporating services:
- Company Name Check Verification & Availability
- Preparation & Filing of Articles of Formation
- Same Business Day Processing
- Registered Agent (1st Year FREE)
- Email Reminders & Alerts
- Lifetime Customer Support
Start Your Business Today for Only $70.00 Plus State Filing Fees.